Naki Tales is a collection of stories from top storytellers, like Shmuel Kunda, Rebbee Hill, Abie Rotenberg, Rabbi Juravel, Country Yossi, Professor Torah, YB Productions, Rabbi Mayer Erps, Uncle Moishy, and more.
Here are some examples of popular selections that you can enjoy as soon as you sign up:
The Boruch Learns Collection
The Marvelous Midos Machine
Stories with Geshmak
The Miser
The Golden Crown
Uncle Moishy
The Berel Collection
Torah Zoo
When Zaidy was Young
Naki Tales is part of the NakiRadio Premium package which also includes Naki Nigun!
Naki Nigun is a library of hundreds of albums from world-class artists, such as Avraham Fried, Abish Brodt, Baruch Levine, Beri Weber, Eitan Katz, Joey Newcomb, Naftali Kempeh, Shloime Gertner, Shlomo Simcha, Simcha Leiner, and more.
You can subscribe to Premium through the NakiRadio Portal. Just click ‘Try it Free’ below to get started.
Premium is an add-on for your NakiRadio, which allows you to choose what you’d like to hear, when you’d like to hear it. It’s like turning your NakiRadio into an MP3 player loaded with hundreds of hours of stories, and more than 1000 songs.
You can subscribe for just $10 / month!
Yes! You can give Premium a spin free for a week, by following these steps:
- Click on ‘Try if Free’ below to sign in.
- Click on Devices, and follow the on-screen instructions to link your NakiRadio with your account
- In the menu, look for the box that says “Try Premium” and click More Info
- Click the button that says “Free Trial”
- Enjoy the full Naki Tales and Naki Nigun experience without limitations, for a full week!